TeLL me More® Japanese language learning software (Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced) 300 hours of Japanese learning 1500 exercises 21 activities and 8000 word audio glossary. System Requirements:PC or compatible: Pentium® Windows® 95/98 16 MB RAM 90 MB available on hard disk 4 X CD-ROM drive 16-bit Windows®-compatible sound card 640 x 480 256-colour graphics card headset or speakers and microphone Windows® 95 and NT4 require Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4 or more. Format: WIN 9598MENT2000XP
Product Features
- Japanese language software with 300+ hours of learning
- Teaches Kana alphabets and 1,000+ basic Kanji characters
- Covers writing, grammar, reading, listening, speaking, and more
- 1,500+ exercises; interactive dialogues; speech recognition technology
- Contains levels Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced
Tell me more JAPANESE
Learning Software WinXP/Vista
Registercode included / 390MB / CDROM ( Isofile )
-Interactive Dialogues
-Have a free-flowing conversation with your computer, and perfect your pronunciation with over 1,000 words and phrases found in the dialogues.
-The dialogues are based on everyday conversation and are supplemented by over 300 photos that illustrate Japanese culture.
-4,000-word Glossary
-Enrich your vocabulary with a glossary of over 4,000 words.
-Examine the 40 rules of grammar , presented in a simple and concise manner.
-Animated demonstrations of the characters
-Increase your knowledge and understanding of the Japanese characters with 46 exclusive animated demonstrations of Hiragana and Katakana.
-Over 1,000 exercises
-Complete your course with eight different written and oral activities, referring to grammar and vocabulary covered in the lessons.
-Lesson Report
-Maintain a thorough evaluation of your work on the 12 lessons, and replay all your dialogues with the computer in full.
-Japanese language and culture: an introductory manual
As a complement to the software, an introductory manual is offered, helping you in your first steps with the Japanese language, and allowing you to discover Japan’s fascinating cultural heritage.
Beginner: to discover or revise the basics, and make yourself understood in basic everyday situations.
Advanced: for a complete learning, and to communicate fluently in any everyday situation.
Learning Software WinXP/Vista
Registercode included / 390MB / CDROM ( Isofile )
-Interactive Dialogues
-Have a free-flowing conversation with your computer, and perfect your pronunciation with over 1,000 words and phrases found in the dialogues.
-The dialogues are based on everyday conversation and are supplemented by over 300 photos that illustrate Japanese culture.
-4,000-word Glossary
-Enrich your vocabulary with a glossary of over 4,000 words.
-Examine the 40 rules of grammar , presented in a simple and concise manner.
-Animated demonstrations of the characters
-Increase your knowledge and understanding of the Japanese characters with 46 exclusive animated demonstrations of Hiragana and Katakana.
-Over 1,000 exercises
-Complete your course with eight different written and oral activities, referring to grammar and vocabulary covered in the lessons.
-Lesson Report
-Maintain a thorough evaluation of your work on the 12 lessons, and replay all your dialogues with the computer in full.
-Japanese language and culture: an introductory manual
As a complement to the software, an introductory manual is offered, helping you in your first steps with the Japanese language, and allowing you to discover Japan’s fascinating cultural heritage.
Beginner: to discover or revise the basics, and make yourself understood in basic everyday situations.
Advanced: for a complete learning, and to communicate fluently in any everyday situation.
Harga spesial kami : Rp 30.000,-
(terdiri dari 1 DVD (Convert dari 3 VCD "ISO FILE").
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(terdiri dari 1 DVD (Convert dari 3 VCD "ISO FILE").
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